What I have learned from edublogging

Before anything else let me start this with a
story on how I started or what push me to do this edublog. At first I don’t
have any idea about blogging 'till our instructor introduce this by making an
introduction about endocrinology and post it through blog. I love reading
information but telling me to write and share knowledge through blog were kinda
oblique with that however since it’s our requirement we have to do so.
Afterwards, I immediately do our assigned work to meet the deadline, I thought
it was easy then but its not. I have to search and read from lot of books
before I came up to one point; sum-up all the information gathered and started
to write. Indeed, its really hard to write especially if you don’t have any
idea about the topic given to you but on the other hand the good thing is
you not only help yourself to learn but you were able to share
information and help them with their unresolved questions. Despite of all the
hardwork, spending 'till midnight, perseverance and patience took me to finish
my assignment successfully. For me being a part of edublog is a big fulfillment
knowing a lot of people might read it and being appreciated is all worth it
always two pathway, the easy one which is smooth while the other is rough road,
you know what it's not ill-fated to take the rough one because life is more
exciting if there's every new event that comes in your life even if it's
unlovely, its up to you on how you will deal with it. Everyday life is a
learning where people grow more and become firm for every trial they had been
through. That's the true essence of success
Don’t be afraid or refuse to
give some of your time and be one of the million people sharing educational
information. Goodluck to everyone..~_~